The Gómez-Suárez Group


The equipment and analytical facilities of the Kirsch group can be used

Useful links

Synthesis workshop

Synthesis Workshop is an open access video podcast exploring the field of organic synthesis. Through four complementary modules - Total Synthesis, Named Reactions, Research Spotlights, and Culture of Chemistry - they investigate advances in many areas of the field and delve into the “human aspects” of having a career in chemistry.

Schlenk line survival guide

Tips & tricks to set up, maintain, and work wit a Schlenk line

Organic chemistry portal

The Organic Chemistry Portal offers an overview of recent topics, interesting reactions, and information on important chemicals for organic chemists.

Macmillan's group presentations

Easy to follow reviews of interesting chemistry topics

Baran's group seminars

Literature reviews of diverse chemistry topics

Baran's heterocyclic chemistry

Course on the synthesis & reactivity patterns of heterocyclic molecules

Mayr reactivity scales

Reactivity scales for nucleophiles & electrophiles

Bordwell pKa Tables

Radical polarity

Overview of radical polarity