The Gómez-Suárez Group

News – 2025

16/01/25 – Chem. Commun.most popular articles of 2024!

Khadijah's work on the synthesis of b2,2-amino acids is among the 60 most popular articles of 2024 in Chem. Commun. Congrats!!

News – 2024

26/11/24 – Symposium on Organic Synthesis and Catalysis: Photochemistry

Adrián participates in the Symposium on Organic Synthesis and Catalysis: Photochemistry at the Federal University of São Carlos (Brazil), where he delivered a two-day course on “Selectivity in light-mediated Hydrogen Atom Transfer (HAT) reactions”.

25-26/09/24 – Hochschule trifft Industrie 2024

Adrián was part of this year's edition of HtI 2024, which took place at Syngenta R&D site in Stein (Switzerland). The event was a success!!

05/09/24 – PhD number 3!

Khadijah succesfully defended her PhD thesis!!! Congrats!!!

A bittersweet moment as the last PhD of the Gómez-Suárez group officially graduates!


10/04/24 – EJOC best paper award 2023!

Super excited to see that Fran and Khadijah's work to access fused heterocycles has been recognised with the EJOC best paper award 2023 from the Liebig-Vereinigung of the GDCh (GermanChemical Society)! 

As part of the award, Adrián presented the groups' work at the EJOC society awards 2023 virtual sympossium.

Here you can have a look at the other awardees work.

13/03/24 – Khadijah's paper gets a highlight!

Great news! Khadijah's work on the sysnthesis of beta-2,2-amino acid derivatives has been highlighted in Synfacts. Congrats!

27/02/24 – Most read paper!

Great news! Khadijah's work on the sysnthesis of beta-2,2-amino acid derivatives is among the most react articles at Chem. Commun. in January 2024. Congrats!

01/02/24 – Top downloaded paper

Our review on radical deoxyfunctionalisations was among the top downloaded papers in EJOC in 2022! Congrats to Kay, Fran, and Khadijah!

05/01/24 – First paper of the year!

Great news to start the new year :) Khadijah's work on the sysnthesis of beta-2,2-amino acid derivatives has found a home in Chem. Commun. Congrats!!!

News – 2023

01/10/23 – Sebastian joins the group

Dr Sebastian Govaerts joins the group after succesfully obtaining a Walter Benjamin Fellowship from the DFG. Seb did his PhD at the University of Manchester in the Leonori group, and will be working of the synthesis of beta-amino acids using radical chemistry. Welcome, Seb!

20/09/23 – New prepint online!

Khadijah's final work is finally on ChemRxiv! Here we report a new and straightforard strategy to access congested beta-amino acids. This great work would not have been possible without the help of the Luca and Ting, from the Noël group. They managed to solve the challenge of scaling-up the oxidative esterification step in flow. Thank you! 

You can read the paper here.

17/08/23 – 56th Bürgenstock conference report

Adrián and Connie's report on the 56th Bürgenstock conference is now online!

Stereochemistry in All Its Shapes and Forms: The 56th Bürgenstock Conference

02/05/23 – Khadijah's first, first author paper is online!

Our paper "Modular Synthesis of Polar Spirocyclic Scaffolds Enabled by Radical Chemistry" has finally found a home at Org. Lett. Congrats to the whole team, it was a great team effort!

18/04/23 & 21/04/23 – Adrián goes to Australia

Adrián went to Melbourne and presented the group's work at Monash University (18/04/23) and the University of Melbourne (21/04/23).

27/03/23 – Khadijah goes to the Photocatalysis – challenges and future perspectives workshop!

Khadijah presented the her PhD work, both orally and in poster form, at the Photocatalysis – challenges and future perspectives workshop at the Lorentz Centre, in Leiden.

13/03/23 – Second PhD student graduates!

Congrats Kay! Today he became the second PhD student to successfully defend his thesis. Good luck in Freiburg!

16/02/23 – New prepint online!

Our work towards the development of straightforward synthetic strategies to access polar spirocyclic scaffolds is now online. You can have a look here.

Well done Khadijah, Fran, Ayham, and Oumayma!

03/02/23 – Our first cover picture is online!

Fran designed a cover picture for our latest article in EJOC. Have a look!

News – 2022

17/10/22 – New paper on deoxygenative transformations!

Fran and Khadijah's work on accessing saccharide mutants through an deoxygenative, intramolecular Minisci-type reaction is now online. This work was done in collaboration with Guillaume Robert, who carried out the biological studies. Congrats everyone!

For more details follow this link.

14/10/22 – Kay's paper finds a home!

Kay's work on accessing alpha-amino ketyl radicals from beta-amino alcohols via chemoselective HAT has finally found a home in ACS Catalysis. Well done, Kay!

For more details follow this link.

28/09/22 – The group goes to Hochschule trifft Industrie (HtI) 2022!

Khadijah and Ayham present their work on the synthesis of beta- and delta-amino acids to an mixed audience of medicinal chemists and young resaerchers at universities across Germany. This year's HtI took place at the R&D facilities of Boehringer Ingelheim, in Biberach.

26/09/22 – First Dr in the group!!!

Fran succesfully defended his PhD thesis today! The end of an era and the first PhD of the group. Congratulations Dr Aguilar Troyano!!!

06/09/22 – Poster presentation at ORCHEM

Khadijah presented her work towards beta-amino acids at the ORCHEM conference in Münster

05/08/22 – Poster presentation at BOSS XVII

Khadijah presents her work on the synthesis of alpha-amino acids at the BOSS XVII conference in Namur, Belgium.

15/07/22 – Ayham joins the group!

Dr Ayham Abazid joins the group as its first postdoc. Ayham did his PhD at the University of Bremen, under the mentorship of Prof. Boris Nachtsheim working on hypervalent iodine chemistry. His work in the group will focus on developing new radical methodologies to access amino acid derivatives.

10/05/22 – Our radical deoxyfunctionalisation review is out!

Khadijah, Kay, and Fran have sumarised the recent advances in the field of radical deoxyfunctionalisation strategies using photocatalysis, transition metal catalysis and electrochemistry. You can read our review here. We hope you enjoy reading as much as we enjoyed writing it!

25/04/22 – Ali starts his BSc thesis!

Ali joins the group for his BSc thesis. He'll be working on new ways to access uncommon BCP derivatives. Welcome, Ali!

22/03/22 – Adrián presents at the CDT 2022

Adrián presented the group's work on radical deoxyfunctionalisation strategies at the Chemiedozententagung 2022.

News – 2021

06/10/21 – Our work has been highlghted!

Our work on the synthesis of γ-oxo-α-amino acids via radical acylation with carboxylic acids has been included in the section "Highlights from the literature" from Organic Process Research & Development and highlighted in Synfacts. Congrats to the team!

Synfacts Highlight

OPR&D – Highlights from the literature

24/09/21 – Photocatalysis in the Life Science Industry!

Adrián was invited to contribute to this great review summarising the role of photocatalysis in the Life Science Industry, alongside medicinal chemists from Bayer, Astrazeneca, GSK, AbbVie. You can read it here

30/08/21 – The group presents its work at WiFO 2021

Kay, Fran and Khadijah presented posters highlighting their current projects at WiFO 2021. Kay and Khadijah presented their work on the development of new synthetic routes towards α- and δ-amino acids, while Fran presented his work on new routes toward polycyclic heterocycles!

22/08/21 – Adrián gives an invited talk at the ACS fall meeting 2021

Adrián presented the group's work on radical deoxyfunctionalisation strategies at the Process Research & Development in Crop Protection section of the ACS fall meeting 2021.

01/06/21 – Our preprint finally finds a home!

After a long time our work on the "synthesis of γ-oxo-α-amino acids via radical acylation with carboxylic acids" has finally found a home in the J. Org. Chem.! You can read it following this link

News – 2020

11/12/20 – Adrián gets an award!

Adrián has been recognised as one of the Thieme Journal Awardees 2021! This a testament to the hard work carried out by the current and former group members. Thank you!!

06/11/20 – Our first prepint!

Our work on the "synthesis of γ-oxo-α-amino acids via radical acylation with carboxylic Acids" has been uploaded to ChemRxiv.

You can find the manuscript and supporting information here. Let us know if you have any comments!

26/08/20 – Minieview accepted!

Our minireview on the "Radical-Based Synthesis and Modification of Amino Acids" has been accepted for publication by Angew. Chem. and it is now online! Well done Fran, Kay and Khadijah!

You can read it here. Enjoy!

18/08/20 – Our work has been highlghted!

Our work on the synthesis of amino acid derivatives using radical decarboxylative strategies has been highlighted by Synfacts and included in the section "Highlights from the literature" from Organic Process Research & Development. Congrats to the team!

Synfact Highlight

OPR&D – Highlights from the literature

10/08/20 – Khadijah joins the team!

Khadijah comes from Scotland and studied chemistry at the University of Strathclyde. She joins the group as part of the DFG grant to work on the synthesis and modification of amino acids using radical chemistry. Welcome!

25/05/20 – First invited talk!

Adrián delivered his first invited talk at Saarland University! Due to the current situation, it was changed to an online talk...which was a fun experience!

28/04/20 – TEDA2+· minireview online!

Our minireview entitled "Selectfluor® Radical Dication (TEDA2+·) – A Versatile Species in Modern Synthetic Organic Chemistry" is now online. Enjoy! For more details click here.

06/04/20 – Second paper accepted!

Kay, Fran & Jonas' work on the developement of decarboxylative methodologies for the synthesis of unnatural amino acid derivatives has been accepted for publication in Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis! Congrats everyone!
For more details click here.

01/03/20 – DFG project funded!

The group has been granted funding from the DFG to continue our research into the synthesis and derivatisation of amino acids using radical chemistry!

News – 2019

02/12/19 – Fran & Adrián attend the Regionalen FCI–Stipendiatentreffen 2019

Fran presented a poster on his formal radical deoxyfluorination methodology and Adrián gave a talk on the groups efforts towards the development of novel radical deoxyfunctionalsation strategies.

13/11/19 – Dennis gets a prize!

Dennis receives a prize for the best Bachelor thesis from the regional branch of the GDCh for his work on the catalyst-free acylation of tetrasubstituted alkenes. Congrats Dennis!!!

25/09/19 – First scientific talk!

Adrián presented for the first time the group's progress towards radical deoxyfunctionalisation methodologies at the "28th Symposium on Bioorganic Chemistry for junior research group leaders" in Essen.

16/09/19 – Jonas joins the team!

During his Bachelor thesis Jonas will investigate the synthesis of amino acid derivatives using radical chemistry. Welcome to the team!

27/08/19 – First paper published!

The first manuscript from the Gómez-Suárez lab is finally online! Congrats to Fran, Freddy, Marcel & Yase for their hard work!

You can find our work on the light-mediated formal deoxyfluorination of tertiary alcohols here. Enjoy!

01/04/19 – We keep growing!

Dennis will carry out his Bachelor's thesis in the group. For the next 3 months he'll get to play around with some cool LEDs lamps and, hopefully, also do some chemistry!

01/03/19 – The second PhD student starts!

Kay comes from Germany and studied chemistry in Düsseldorf and Cologne before joining us. Welcome!

01/01/2019 – The first PhD student starts!

Welcome Fran! He comes from Jaén (Spain) and is having quite a shock trying to adapt to the cold German winter!

News – 2018

09/04/18 – The first student starts!

Lukas Heemann joins the lab for 2 weeks and then he'll stay for his Bachelor's thesis. Welcome Lukas!

01/2018 – Adrián was awarded the Liebig Fellowship

Adrián gets the Liebig Fellowship from the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie to establish a research group starting in March 2018. For more info check the press release on the uni website!

01/2018 - Adrián starts as a Junior Group Leader at BUW

We are finally open for business! Exciting times ahead of us!